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2004-02-19 20:40:00
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Sarconia laughed merrily and walked into Lucius' study. Lucius shut the door as she sat on a sofa. "Leonor and Ikilios?" She asked as she propped her elbows on her knees, and her chin on her hands. "Leonor loves him, luckily for us, Ikilios feels for her too." She said a grin spreading on her face. She sat up. "Lucius, what do you mean, we must act quickly?" She asked him.
Venetor inclined his head, "Of course sire. I will see to your wishes immediately." He bowed himself out and headed back out to the barracks.
Altus hadn't moved since last night. He had indeed spent much of the day as well sleeping, trying to recover some of his strength.
Caius, who had been ducked behind Lucuis desk for a while (and his neck was beginning to hurt) finally stood up and stretched. Noticing the tension in the air, both left over from the strange visit from the Caesar and Venetor and Sarconia's presence, he simply nodded to Lucius and took his leave, to head back to his rooms. He would make the rounds today and find out exactly who has loyal to them, or who they had enough blackmail against to make them appear loyal.
"A god has come to me, telling me if we wanted anything done, we'd have to act quick. I ignored him at first, but I see it is true. Sarconia, are you sure they both have feelings for each other? I don't like wasting my victims," Lucius said, grinning widely.
Kaeso was wandering the palace halls, keeping an eye out for Venetor, he had not forgotten the god/godesses' suggestion a couple days ago.
Lucius grinned, his mind spinning with plans. He will have to frame Leonor, an excuse to get her into prison. He decided he'd discuss the plans with Caius first, before sending out any messages.
Aurelius walks into the palace hurriedly, looking for Caesar, or any who are in a position of authority.
Kathryn had followed Ikilios to Lucius study and had moved to the shadows when Ikilios left with Venator. She stayed long enough to see Sarconia go in and Caius go out. Interesting Kathryn thought to herself. She then left when no one was looking, she went to Leonor's rooms. "Leonor are you there?" Kathryn knocked then entered, to find herself looking at a giant lion. She just stood there stunned.

The cat didn't move when she entered. In fact he seemed dead were it not for the soft rise and fall of his sides. His white coat was dirty and encrusted with blood. His thick mane tangled. His head at the moment was resting upon a massive paw so that his sabre like front teeth were raised off the floor.

Striding around the palace Aurelius stumbled upon the scene. For a second he stood motionless, then put his hand on the hilt of his his sword and whispered to Kathryn "Make your way out of the palace, my lady. It is not safe here. I will see that this threat gets removed."
Sarconia raised her eyebrows in amusment. "Yes I'm positive." She said. "Well sorry to cut this short... but I need to get back to Leonor.. " She said. "I'll come back if I have any more information." She bowed her head and left Lucius in his study. She walked down the hall to Leonors room, but she found the door was already open. Kathryn and a strange man stood in Leonors room.. and the giant lion. Sarconia walked around Kathryn and the mystery man to the lion, and wondered where Leonor was. "Dont worry Kathryn.. Leonor brought him here.. he's hurt." She said looking at the lion, her blue eyes worried.

"This is the beast me and Malekith failed to kill at the Colosseum. Are you certain it will not harm anyone after it wakes up?" Aurelius said, pulling the sword out of the sheath a bit. "And why bring such a beast into the palace in the first place?"

Altus's whiskers twitched slightly and he shifted in his sleep. The tip of his tufted tail flicking.

Saronia warliy put her slender hand on Atlus's head, stroking him. She smiled as he sighed. "I'm sorry sir, but I do not question Lady Leonor's actions. She brought him here, becuase he was hurt and needed help. Just becuase two men were too weak to kill a lion, doesnt mean that it will harm us." She said tartly. "Would Leonor have brought him here if he was dangerous?" She asked him.

Aurelius was taken aback by the rather insulting comment. "Well.... I guess not. Let the lady keep it if she wishes, as long as she can keep a handle on it."

Altus stirred at the lady's touch and awoke. He blinked sleeply though it was not sleep that made his eyes seem forlorn but that he had accepted his defeat. The lion yawned broadly so that nearly every ivory fang in his mouth was momentarily visible and shook his mane. He turned his head then and smelled rather than saw Aurelius, recognizing the scent he bared his hackles and moved to get up...still too weak he stumbled back down.

Aurelius saw the state of the animal. Releasing the sword he bowed to the two ladies and continued on his way down the hall in search of someone higher ranking than himself. As he left a scowl spread across his face.

Sarconia sighed. "Men, they think they're so tough." She said, then looked at the lion. She slowly reached towards it.. not sure what it would do..

Lowered his head once more...he could go back to sleep here...or lick his wounds clean...He hadn't eaten in days and yet didn't feel hungry at all. He breathed a heavy sigh, allowing the lady to entwin her fingers in his tangled silver mane if she wished.

"Aww poor thing." Sarconia whispered. "It's alright, your safe now." She said in a soft warm voice to the lion, trying to comfort him as much as possible. She grabbed a basin of water and a rag. She walked back to the lion and sat by him. She dipped the rag in the basin, then rung it out so it wasing dripping with water. She slowly placed it on the lions wounds, doing her best to try and clean them. She worked, her hands a bloody mess. She wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, trying to remove the sweat. But ended up smearing a line of blood across her forehead. She dipped the rag in the bloody water again, moving on to the next wound, she was in a sort of trance.

Altus winced at the touch as the dried blood was worked from his matted fur. He turned, licking her hands as she worked with his rough tongue for a moment and then turning, closeing his eyes and going into a sort of trance himself. As she worked the full extent of each wound became visible. His leg bore a deep cut across what would be the achilles tendon in a human, the joint was swollen and painful would take a while to heal. The slash across his side was superficial compared to the others, a deep cut across his ribs, a flesh wound. His eye however was very sensitive. Held shut with dried blood and fur a cut ran across it and it was difficult to say how deep it went...

Kathryn had ducked out of the room momentarily when Sarconia had things under control. She came back with some more water and some first aid supplies. Bandages, needles and thread, some antiseptic, scissors and a few brushes. She looked rather silly carrying it all. " Sarconia mind giving me a hand?" Kathryn asked trying to see where she was going over her bundle.

Sarconia blinked, comming out of her trance, she stumbled over to Kathryn and grabbed a handfull of stuff and managed to go back to the lion with out tripping. She set the things down and pulled out the bandages,needles and thread and some antiseptic. She unwove the string, biting it off at about the right length, she licked the end, and put it through the eye of the needle. Then she started to work on one of the wounds, hoping Kathryn would follow her example.
Frustrated at not finding anyone who he can report to, Aurelius storms out of the palace and heads for Latium.
Altus swallowed and gritted his hurt what they were doing. But they seemed to be doing in kindness. His ears flattened into his mane he willed himself to let them continue. Only the tip of his tail twitched slightly and he flexed his a wounded man may see to squeeze the hand of another his action was synonymous.

Kathryn threaded a needle, took some water, antiseptic and the scissors and approached the lion's eye. She started to gently wash the acess blood away. When she could see enough of the eye she gently started cutting the clotted hair. She revealed a big eye that would now be slightly bald. " I am sorry fierce one but this will sting." Kathryn said in a soothing voice as she applied the antiseptic.

Altus pulled back slightly, a shadow of a growl eminating from deep in his throat. But he went still once more...his claws flexed against the floor.

Kathryn muttered soothing sounds as she worked. She diluted the antiseptic this time, now that the blood was flowing a bright red and not a dark or black red. After using the diluted antiseptic solution she used water to finish cleaning the wound. She then started to sew the cut up.

The man named Gill strode through the palace gardens. His was a sharp eye, despite the wandering crow's feet at the corners, like crinkled parchment. One used to squinting into the desert sun, and into the chilled rain; but one used to smiling, he admitted. It was a light step, worn smooth by countless leagues trudged in the elements, weighed down in the full battle rattle of a Roman infantryman. He still kept his first short sword, wrapped in oilskin in a trunk at the foot of his bed. Gill often found his son cradling it, when leave allowed his presence. 

Even now he found himself standing in the threshold to his bedroom; his child would look up, a lighted fervor of dreams in the wide eyes, and ask his father to tell a story. Always about being a soldier, about fighting the Muslim Tarters, about the mountains to the north, and the wildcats. But that's not for you, son, he would always say at the end, you've got your mother's head on these little shoulders. 

Gill was making his rounds, late in the day. He'd been called Gill in his enlisted days, but the men called him ‘Tribune' now; a Roman officer. That made him chuckle a tad…an officer…what a joke. Officers couldn't tell the difference between a spear and a flanking maneuver. But he tried to be fair, and maybe that was what counted.

He was nostalgic a lot these days. To his mind's eye, Rome was a shadow of what it had once been. A place of promise and hope…a place of honor and duty. Hell, the men these days didn't understand honor; they only understood wages and women. Once, Rome had been awash with its own glory; you couldn't keep the pride out of a legionnaire's eyes if you'd beat him to his death.

What a glory-seeker was then, had been replaced now by politicians' sons; slackers and freeloaders…merchants. A man had only his actions to speak for at the end of his life…what was money and power?

The old lineman grunt's thoughts were lost in those padded footsteps, in calloused feet and hands that told a story far better. The glory days were left in the old and the dead, and there was no one left, who wanted to run with that banner...

Rome was this sunset, and Gill followed it.

Altus couldn't help had been the first time he'd been able to open his right eye in two days and blinking he at last was able to. Yet, he still couldn't see and the air seemed to sting the eye itself...he growned and closed his eyes once more. The blade used had cut too swift and deeply across the icy blue eye itself and already a milky white was spreading from the small cut across his eye...

" What a beauty that eye must have been." Kathryn said to no one inparticular. She finished stitching the eye up knowing, this lion would be lucky if he saw anything ever again, out of that eye. " Sarconia what other wounds must be treated?" Kathryn asked softly, as she cleaned the rest of his visible face off. She even dribbled a little water onto his tongue.

Lapped up the small amount of water more eagerly than he had anticipated...he hadn't had any water in days either and now found himself quite thirsty indeed.

Kathryn chuckled in her throat. She retrieved a baisn of clean water and put it next to the lions nose. It wasn't much water but for now it would do. " Drink up fierce one." Kathryn muttered.

The lion made short work of the water and have licked the bowl dry as well as his chops. He turned then to the lady. His eyes watched her almost though he wanted to speak and could not.
Gathering his bags from his rooms, Caius headed to the pantheon.
"Kathryn, can you handle it from here? I want to go to the Pantheon.." She said glancing at the lion.

"Yes I can just tell me what of the last two wounds. Which one is left the ribs or the hock wound? Just wait a moment." Kathryn said then took all four of the old baisns out and she refilled them placing three in front of the lion's nose the other one she kept for the last wound to be treated. " Alright what is left?" Kathryn asked in a subdued tone.

"The rib wound." Sarconia said, sighing. "I hope you can handel it, I need a break, my head is spinning. I'm off to the pantheon." She said walking out of Leonors room, leaving the palace to the pantheon.

" That leaves you and me." Kathryn said to the lion. " Where do you come from? How could you get caught? Fierce one what have they done to you?" Kathryn asked making conversation with the lion as she started to clean the wound that was on his ribs. She had rinsed it with water and had applied the antiseptic. She waited for the reaction to the antiseptic to occur so she could continue.

Altus continued to drink until his thirst had been appeased. He turned, his rounded ears pricked in her direction. Understanding on his face at her words but with no way to answer. He flinched as the antiseptic worked its way into the long cut but remained calmly observant of this human girl.

"Well at least you are acting like you feel better. Just stay still until I finish stitching this wound and then you can go do what ever you want." Kathryn said cleaning the wound with diluted antiseptic again, then water. She stitched the long cut closed. " Where are you from?" Kathryn asked her self, " I have read about lions your size but they lived in the dessert. So where did they find you." Kathryn said exhausted, she leaned against the lions shoulder. Hoping he wouldn't mind.

Let her finish and rest against his shoulder. His wounds felt much better but his strength had yet to return. He lowered his head and rested it on a forepaw feeling the warm weight of the small girl against him and thinking. If she knew where he came from...if she even knew how old in fact he was maybe she'd understand better where he was from. The lion sighed again, reflecting on his past, present and what the fates had in store for his future...

Kathryn was tired, her eyes started to drift close. Since the lion had rested his head on his forepaw she stumble or kind of fell. She leaned back into his warm mane and being near his ear kept talking softly. " You don't think women are only good for babies and not politics do you? Of course not the female lions are the ones who hunt... is there even another lion like you out there?... What am I to call you.. you need..a..." Kathryn didn't finish, she had talked herself to sleep on the lion. She was now curled up with her head near his ear and the rest of her resting by his head and on his forepaw.

Altus too fell into sleep, His eyes closed and still tired and sore happily drifted off once more.
Feeling he could gain no more information, Malekith came out of the shadows, and went to find ceasar. Walking past leonor's room, he heard a deep growling snore coming from her room. opening the door, Malekith sees the very lion he attempted to kill at the colosseum. Leaning over Kathryn, making sure not to wake her, Malekith draws his long sword and a vial of poison, Malekith coats his long sword.


As he had a job to do, Maximus entered the Palace and began looking for some of his more trusted officers in the barracks.

Altus flicked his ears earing footsteps. A familliar scent reached his nostrils. A scent he had learned to dislike, even fear. He lifted his head and saw a figure poised above him and the lady sleeping at his side. And a single thought crossed his mind, a snake, a venomous snake. His consideration went only so far and in the lion's mind, in that instant she was his pride, she was innocent and he would protect her and himself from this danger. Without concern for waking her, it would be better to be awake than dead for he knew not the extent of this man's target. The lion opened his mouth and let out a long low roar. The sound echoed like thunder off the palace walls.

Half expecting the lion to wake, Malekith was unfaised by the roar, and stabed down.

Hearing the roar of the lion and thinking that it was such an unusual part of life to have wildlife in the palace, Maximus rushed to the room of leonor to find the most intriguing sight. Malekith, the Caesar's own assassin was standing over the trembling form of Kathryn and a huge white lion with his sword raised. "What is the meaning of this?" he shouted. "I come here and see you trying to kill a defenseless woman. Have you no heart? I suggest you leave the area immediatly, or I will have you forcibly removed."

"Maximus, you do not belong here. I am not here for the woman, I am here for the Lion. I have fought the beast before. It is a threat to all who dwell in the palace." replied Malekith, while backing away from the Lion as to gain a better advantage over it

Altus lay still. His manner reserved. He had always loathed anyone lacking the courage to face a prepared oppenent. His good eye was a cold icy blue while the damage the man had done was visible in the other eye, which had been that same azure color but was now a translucent white, blind. He flicked his tail, watching and waiting. He knew should that man decide to strike he would be unable to put up much resistance as his body was still weak and perhaps this assassin could derive some satisfaction that it would be months if ever his leg did heal.

Seeing the lion so reserved to attack the man who had so damaged it, Malekith had doubts that the lion was as bestial as he had origionally believed. Acting on instinct, Malekith sheathed his sword, waiting for the lions reaction

Altus watched Malekith closely as ever. A deep sense of dislike and distrust could be felt from the great cat. A projection of wisdom and nobility seemed to gleam in the eyes of the wounded beast. He did nothing but held himself in such a way that he would be ready lest this snake should try anything further.

"I know not if you can understand me cat, but my instincts tell me you are more than a savage beast. I shall leave you alone for now, but take heed, if you pose a threat to anyone here, I shall mount your head on my wall." warned Malekith. With that, Malekith walked out of the room, brushing past Maximus. "We shall talk another time" growled Malekith to Maximus. He then walked off down the hall, in search of ceasar and Maximus left for the Barracks for some much needed rest.
Daska, who had once again fallen asleep, got up and allowed her roots to crack the stone floor and seep into the ground beneath. Her arms shifted into her branches and she sighed in the sun.(sorry, y'all, but I REALLY can't keep track of time here.)
Leonor rushed into her room, out of breath. She paused momentarily at the door, trying to catch her breath. She turned and saw Altus. Leonor smiled. She set down the basin of water and stroked Altus' forehead with her hand. Leonor's smile grew wide as she spotted Kathryn sleeping beside Altus. "It seems you've met yet another friend," Leonor whispered, standing up once more. She peered at the door as she heard voices outside. The palace was getting busier and busier. Was Ikilios calling for a meeting? Why were there more people at the palace? Leonor turned her head to the window. Gods, if you are listening, keep Caesar safe, Leonor prayed, unaware of her own safety.
Lucius smiled. If that was the truth, then it was time. Lucius wrapped a dark cloak about him and went off to Latium in search of a slave trader.
Lucius returned to the palace from Latium with a wide smile on his face. he searched about for Caesar.

Ikilios was in the peristyle, leaning against a giant column and looking up at the sky. He stiffened when he heard the light footsteps and saw Lucius walking towards him. "Lucius," Ikilios greeted cautiously.

"My lord, I believe I bring bad news." Lucius said with a deep bow. "I have heard reports that 6 of ROme's most dangerous captives have been set free,"

"By whom?!" Ikilios demanded loudly. 

"It must've been done intentionally, for they found the lock broken in pieces and the gates oiled so that it may not sound when it was opened. There are footprints on the light sand of the prison as well. Caesar, Latium is in danger with those men running free!"

"Tell me who did this! I cannot afford more effort on other matters! Am I not troubled enough?" Ikilios shouted angrily.

"My was none but Leonor." Lucius replied, watching Ikilios' reaction.

"How dare you accuse her?!" Ikilios shouted, glaring at Lucius fiercely. "How dare you lay the accusation on her?!"

"Caesar, please forgive me! Clues lead to her, my lord, and you know she is fond of the poor, the helpless. We have already investigated the situation already. You must trust me." Lucius said.

Ikilios closed his eyes. How could this be? "And what will you have me do," Ikilios whispered, opening his eyes slowly. His heart already began to shut everything out, his mind emptying itself.

"She belongs in the prison herself. She has committed a great crime. She cannot go unpunished. If you do not punish her and condemn her to the prison, your name will be foul amongst the citizens' lips! And you never know if she will go about doing it again!" Lucius replied.

Ikilios shut his eyes. Gods...why? Why torment me so???

"My lord, guards await you order..."

"Go! Do what you wish! Do what you must! I am for Rome and Rome only..." ...and not some woman that holds my heart...Ikilios thought.

Lucius grinned widely. He bowed. "You have decided wisely, Caesar." With that, Lucius hurried off to find Leonor.
Malekith, still searching for Ikilios. He found the ceasar in the peristyle. Running up, he exclaimed, "Lord ceasar. The plot against you is being run by none other than Lucius. I just now heard a conversation between Lucius and Sarconia plotting to seperate you and Leonor. My lord, you must keep Leonor near you at all times. At the very least within the palace."
Bacchus and Pomona arrived at the palace.
"Now where would our child be keeping her self?" Bacchus wondered. "Probably in her own room.." he smiled. He took Pomonas hand. "Are we going?" he asked.

Saturn Entered the Palace and looked around with his ever confidence look.

"No no wait, I think I see Saturn, yes it's him whom I see,...Saturn, Dear, Hooola!!" Pomona waved a hand to get Saturn attention.
Saturn saw them and went towards them saying with his deep voice, "Good Day my fellow friends. How's everything going on?"

"Evening Saturn. We have decided to aid a human. They all seem to get in a lot of trouble." Bacchus said. "Interested in joining us? It is but a small quest."
Nilmawen entered The Ceaser's chamber to tidy up. In the room she stripped his bed of the linens. She blew her dark hair out of her face wearily. Even though no one was in the room she averted her eyes from all the rich tapestries.
Ikilios heard Malekith's voice and words, though it was as if they were nothing but echos. He closed his eyes, his throat tightening. "Leonor is no longer mine to watch over." Ikilios breathed out, collapsing on the floor, leaning against the column pitifully. How could she do this? His clenched his hands into fists and let out a loud cry. Ikilios could not hear that Sarconia and Lucius had been planning this. All he could hear was his heart crying out to Leonor.
Unaware of her crime, Leonor was busy arranging the flowers in her room. She picked out dead flowers and petals and collected them in her arms, using the extra length of her stola to hold all the petals in. She looked over at the sleeping Altus and Kathryn and smiled. 

The door burst open and Leonor turned her head sharply, spotting Lucius and a dozen of his guards. Her heart constricted. "Lucius?" Leonor questioned. He had an ugly grin on his face. 

"Leonor, by the law of Caesar, you are placed under arrest for an act of treason against Rome and her citizens! For this, you shall pay the consequences. Guards, take her." Lucius ordered.

Leonor, in shock did not understand and stood where she was. But when she saw the guards advancing towards her, she shouted, "But I have done nothing wrong!" They did not stop, despite her innocent words. Leonor dropped her dead flowers and made a bolt to the door. Leonor managed to run into the peristyle and spotted Ikilios. "Caesar! Caesar! What is the meaning of this? I do not understand!" Leonor shouted loudly. THe guards caught up to her quickly and took hold of her, grasping her arms tightly and painfully.

Ikilios stood up slowly but did not look at Leonor but at Lucius, who had caught up with the rest. "Take her away, Lucius," Ikilios said softly, not giving Leonor even one glance.

Tears burned Leonor's eyes. WHat was going on? "Caesar," Leonor cried out.

"Silnce her!" Lucius ordered.

"Ikilios!!!" Leonor shouted before they gagged her and bound her wrists in chains. Lucius bowed and left with the guards, heading towards the colosseum prisons.

Leonor's voice ran painfully in Ikilios' ears. He walked mindlessly, automatically to her room and was blind to everything and everyone there except for the dead flwoers and petals scattered about the floor. Dead. Like me. Ikilios began to shut down, nothing but an empty body walking amidst the earth. Gods, take me now, Ikilios thought, heading to his chambers.

Once inside the chambers, he shut himself in. He forgot everything. He forgot kathryn's promise of making him a strong caesar. He forgot the heeding words of the gods and his trusted friend, Malekith. He forgot why he was here. He forgot Rome and her people.

Altus had been awoken by the disturbance and lifted his head to watch. Little could be told from what flickered in the lion's eyes but it was more than the mere thoughts of a beast. He lay there, Kathryn still asleep at his shoulder, his tail flicked as he thought. Wondering at this place and sincerely perplexed at the sudden flurry of activity as Leonor was taken away.
Venetor strode into the palace later that day, seeking the ceasar. He made his way through the halls at his usual long strided gait. His crimson cloak trailing behind him, leather armor gleaming dully, his sword at his side. He had a roll of parchment in his hand, a report and schedule of the centries that would be on duty at all times...including himself.
Sarconia enetered the palace from the pantheon looking for Leonor. She went to Leonors rooms.... but didnt find her. She thought for a second. She left Leonors rooms and went to Lucius' study. She hit the door three times and waited for entrance... She waited but still didnt get let in. "Gods give me patience." She said, as she left the palace to the colosseum.
Caius arrived at the palace out of breath and looking worn. He took a moment to straighten himself out, and strode to Lucius' studies and rapped on the doors. He would find out what Lucius' plan was before he talked to the Caesar.

Lucius looked up. "Come in," Lucius replied, in a happy mood.
Kathryn had awoken when the guards barged in, but she chose to remain in a sleep like state. She opened one eye and stretched out a little. " Well, good day to you feirce one. There seems to be a lot of activity today. I believe i have come up on a name for you Glory... how does that sound? I know you can understand me so show some sign of a yes i like it or no i don't. What will you be doing, I am going to find out what is going on around here... will you accompany me?" Kathryn had talked to the lion as she got up, freshened up and gotten the lion more water. She hoped he was feeling better.

Altus supposed that would do for now, until, if ever he could tell her his real name. Inclining his head in consent he then lapped up the water provided before turning back to Kathryn.
In response to her request the lion pulled himself to his feet. A feat indeed he had not been able to perform for 3 days...however, 3 days rest seemed to have helped. He did sway unsteadily at first but stood ready to follow Kathryn where she chose to lead.

" Before we go anywhere let me check on your wounds." Kathryn said taking the fact that the lion had risen as consent. " Now Glory lower your head so i may look at that eye." Kathryn asked and stood bye his head so that she would be able to take a closer look.

The lion obliged and lowered his massive head to the level with hers. He bore weight on only three legs at the moment as he closed his eyes and lay his ears back in obedience.

" Oh don't pin those ears back on me I am only trying to help." Kathryn said with a smile on her face. She examined the wound as much as she dared. She removed the excess hair and the little bit of dust that settled in the hair. She was extremly pleased when it didn't start to bleed again and she grinned. She moved on next to the ribs which were healing nicely. She then made her way to the back leg. " Glory I know this will hurt but please lower the leg or put at least a little weight on the leg. I need to look at it. Please." Kathryn said and waited for the lion to comply.

Altus gritted his teeth and obeyed. He shifted some of his weight to his right hind and it trembled as it took the burdan, sending an agonizing protest to Altus's brain.

" I am sorry." Kathryn stated sympathetically. She looked the wound over and decided that it would not be out of danger until tomorrow or the day after. With her examination over with she patted Glory on the shoulder. " See, that wasn't so bad." Kathryn said smiling then scratched as close to Glory's ear as she could reach. " Now lets go find Ikilios."
Kathryn walked to Ikilios's chambers knowing the lion would follow at his own pace, she was careful not to be out of sight though. "Ikilios?" Kathryn knock on his door then went in she didn't care what he would do or say she need answers.

Altus did indeed follow. Each paw placed with precision and a definate air of prode despite his severe lameness. He padded long alongstride Kathryn quietly. His head bobbing with his uneven stride.

Kathryn with Glory's comforting bulk beside her. Looked into the darkened room searching for Ikilios.

Daska uprooted herself and left the palace, left the kingdom.
Malekith, furious with Ikilios' actions, stormed after ceasar. Barging past Kathryn and the lion, he yelled at ceasar. "Did you not hear a word I said. Because of your iniability to trust your friends, those sworn to protect you, the woman you love is headed for jail. Possibly worse!"

Ikilios heard Malekith's voice and laughed. "She is already in prison, dear Malekith. There's nothing I can do about it. Lucius says she's guilty so she's guilty!" Ikilios exclaimed, staring blankly out the window.

"Lucius planned this! I heard him in his chambers talking to Sarconia about this very matter. Lucius lied to you! He wanted you seperated from Leonor!" shouted Malekith, furious with his ceasars refusal to hear the truth
Bacchus studied the roof, thinking. "Pomona?" he said. "Have you taken a side in this little rebellion? The mortals game."

"Darling, I will go. I have to tell Ceasar something he is struggling to understand. Come with me if you like, your company would delight me." Bacchus smiled and bowed for Pomona. Nodded to Saturn and popped of to whereever he'd find Ikilios.
He watched Ikilios, the great Ceasar, in his chambers. The man was trembling. To send his loved one to jail.
Ikilios! Bacchus spoke. Gather yourself. Leonor is in need of you. For yes, she is innocent. Listen to Malekith. He is true to you. If you are to reject anyone, let it not be Leonor, for she cares a lot for you. And you for her.
It is time you show yourself as a leader. And this time, without Lucius. This is my advice to you Ceasar. Listen to your Gods.
Bacchus smiled. He loved talking with mortals. They got confused, and some even scared.
And Leonor is getting help from a greater god than me. He left Ceasars chambers.
Caius entered, smiling, "Kaeso brought word that Leonor had been jailed. I assume this is of your doing?" He laughed a little, "You amaze me sometimes, what did you do to make Ikilios warrent her arrest?"

Lucius laughed. "I only told him his status as Caesar would be disrupted if he did not act. It seems he loves Rome more than he does that girl...jus tlike his father, that boy. There's evidence waiting for Ikilios if he needs reassuring. I had it all planned. he can find no fault, and if he will, which is highly unlikely, it will be too late. Leonor will either be dead in the colosseum, or married to a slave trader, whichever choice her captives find most prosperous." Lucius replied with a grin. Now, to his next step of the plan.
Sarconia entered the palace from the colosseum. heading towards Lucius' study. She walked fast and tapped on the door.

At Lucius' nod, Caius opened the door to admit Sarconia. He grinned at her, "Did you hear the good news about Leonor? The only thing is... what about the convicts, have we recruited them to our side?"
Kathryn had had enough. She walked right up to Ikilios and slapped him hard. " Pull yourself together. If you don't help her I will and if she dies I will never forgive you. Now get up. Get dressed and be ready. I will hound you until you do as I say. Don't look for comfort or sympathy for you did this to yourself and her." Kathryn said with her temper barely in check.

The lion stood a short ways behind her, watching quietly.
Sarconia looked at Lucius and walked into his study.. "What are you talking about Lucius?" She asked him, her face confused.
Ikilios stood, his eyes wide with shock. Kathryn's slap still burned his face, but the sorrow in his heart turned to a hot fire of confidence. He turned to look at Kathryn. He did do this to himself, and such shame he should cast upon himself for it! Oh Leonor, forgive me! Ikilios grasped Kathryn's hands. "I thank the gods for their wisdom and yours! Please, Kathryn, aid me in freeing Leonor and prove her innocence!" Ikilios said, turning to Malekith with an apologetic smile.
Bacchus returned to Pomona and Saturn. "Pomona!" he smiled, walked over to her and hugged her. "I've had a little talk with Ikilios. So has Kathryn and Malekith. Finally he has opened his eyes. And Leonor has escaped. Lucifer helped her. The only problem is that Sarconia might know of Leonors escape, but I'm not sure. Anyway, the rebellers should also have a chance. Ah, this is a most wonderful day!" Bacchus smiled, feeling the beauty of the sunshine wash over them. 
He looked into Pomonas eyes, they were magnificent, as deep as the sea, he thought.
He lay his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Closer. Then he kissed her, slowly.
" Yes Ikilios. I will help you. First clean up. Second we will need you to play broken hearted, and we will go see Lucius. And find out what physcial evidence he has against her. Then we will go get her out of jail." Kathryn replied as she extended a hand to help Ikilios.

"ceasar, I must ask, what was Leonor jailed for?" asked Malekith.

Aurelius walked into the room. He was woken up by one of the palace guards when all the commotion began and had been close by since. He was dressed in full battle garb and carried himself in a very urgent matter. "So it surfaces.... I am at your service, caesar!" He stopped within a few paces and saluted.

Ikilios nodded at Aurelius. He turned to Malekith. "Lucius said she'd released 6 prisoners, and without my consent. According to Lucius, they were 6 captives...I don't know from where and all I knew was that they were dangerous to the people of Rome. I did not think of the absurdity of it all!" Ikilios breathed out, wrapping a cloak around himself. he realized how much Lucius had control over him. How had he let it gone so far? Hold on, Leonor! I'm coming! Sweeping past the others, Ikilios made his way to the colosseum.

Kathryn glad that Ikilios had finally snapped out of the lull. Kathryn followed Ikilios to the colosseum

Not awaiting orders Aurelius exits after them, motioning the detachment of troops outside to follow. He will risk no hurt to his leader.

Altus it seemed did not warrant an invitation from Kathryn to go to the colosseum, not that he would have wanted to considering his past experiences at the place. Course, his hind leg still pained him and he was quite content to lay back down.
Giving a long yawn which showed his many teeth he shook his mane boredly, and, after a brief bout of grooming fell asleep. His head resting on one of his massive forepaws.

Melikith left after them, deciding to pay attention to the more corrupt slave traders in Latium
Lucius drummed his long, bonye fingers on the desk. "Caius, I want you to get me the Rouge General Alexander Maximillius. He is the only general that i know that has an army that can attack Rome tonight. Ikilios won't be able to defend Rome and everyone will see is not fit to rule her." Lucius ordered. He turned to Sarconia. "I need you to see how our dear Ikilios is doing, Sarconia." Lucius said with a smile. His very bones were tingling with anticipation for tonight. TOnight will be the night Ikilios and his family name will fall!
Venetor sat alone. The men had been on constant rotation as ceasar had requested. All seemed well as of late.
He dipped his quill into the ink and let it hover above the parchment a moment, thinking. The candle on his desk flickered.
Nilmawen moved slowly down the corridors, hiding in the shadows as to not draw attention to herself. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun and her pink lips were persed together with dislike. Slowly she walked into the gradens, pondering deeply about some unknown thing.
Bacchus let Pomona go. He smiled embarassed. ".. I'm sorry, I just. You are a beautiful goddess. I may have gone too far, but.. I still like you, Pomona."
Sarconia nodded and left Lucius' study without another word. She walked slowly towards Ikilios' rooms,trying not to think of the task ahead of her.
An out of breath soldier flew into Venetor's room. "Sir," he managed, gasping for air "General Aurelius commands that you garrison the palace and take command of the men until he arrives. There is rebellion to be dealt with."
Malekith arrived at the palace, keeping to the shadows. He knew he could work better if no-one knew he was there.
Sarconia stopped and rubbed her browline. So much has happened so fast.Gods.. please... if your listening... help me! She said out of pure need. She walked to a bench and sat, her toga rubbing against
her leg.
Noticing a sense of urgency Maximus entered the palace dressed in his Full plate armour with a great axe, looking for Malekith.
Venetor got to his feet quickly, "Of, course, thank you." Dismissing the soldier he straped his sword back around his waist and headed out. Venetor had been waiting for something like this to happen. Moving to the barracks the orders were given and the tramping sound of soldiers on the move drowned out most everything. Venetor had a good idea who was behind this rebellion and in full confidence it would be dealt with shortly.
Pomona looked at him for a second and then, slowly smiled and said, "My dear, there is no need to be sorry for If I'm not talking too freely I may say I take your company as one of the best, and I have never seen a fault in either your behaviour towards me or the others that I like."
Saturn laughed deeply and said, "I don't I have seen any of the other gods to be so simple and kind as you two are. Bacchus you have done a good job on helping of Leonor's escape, not directly maybe but you have been truly influencing. Now we must see If we can do something to get Sarconia's attention off Leonor's way. Do you have any Ideas Friend?"
" He might not or he might but I have an idea." Diana responded to Saturn as she walked into the room they were in.
Nilmawen glanced behind her as she entered the garden and saw Melekith in the shadows. Deciding against going intot he garden she hid behind a colum and watched him silently, wondering what he was up to.
Malekith slipped into his quarters un-noticed. Knowing that he would face many eniemies today, he opened a secret compartment in the wall. There he found his most prized possession in the world. Taking out a long, shining Katana, he smiled. This was one of the most powerfull swords in the empire. Crafted using the ancient 1000 folds technique, the sword could cut throught nerely anything, including another sword, and could slice through armour and flesh like butter. This will be fun thought Malekith. For the Empire
As he was walking around the palace, Maximus came upon Malekith's quarter's. He knocked politely before he entered. "I am willing to watch your back," he said, "if you tell me whats going on between you and that wild beast here in the palace. I also wish to know more about the situation which we seem to have found ourselves in. This rebellion will claim the lives of some of my men and I want to know why. If you can answer these questions for me, I just might learn to trust you. I think we could be unstoppable if we could learn to fight as a team."

"My involvment with the lion is this. I fought the beast with Aurelius at the colosseum, but it escaped. What you saw here at the palace was my second encounter with the beast. I saw in it an intelligence unixisting in a normal beast, so I wait to see whose side it is on. As for the rebellion, Lucius is at it's head, though I know not his movtives. It surely will claim the lives of some of your men, but rest assured, I will claim more of the enemies lives than your men will loose of theirs." responded Malekith, quite preturbed about being disturbed in his chambers.

"I thank you for your honesty." replied Maximus, "And I will be honoured to fight along side you in defense of our home." With that said, Maximus turned and exited the palace for the Latium
Saturn turned to Diana and said, "And what would that be? We are open to accept good ideas."
Ikilios and Leonor entered the palace warily from the colosseum.
Pomonas words made Bacchus smile. He lay his arm around her waist and looked at her. Then he said, "Yes Diana, please share your plan with us."

Bellona comes out of thin air from the Pantheon. She looks about...
"Now, where is this Lucius fellow?"
Sarconia hit her head up against the wall, clenching her fists out of frusteration.
Kathryn was only a few steps behind Ikilios and Leonor.

"Ikilios if you have no further need of me I will leave you." Kathryn half asked half stated.

Whoa, talk about anger managment. Bellona thinks amused as she watched Sarconia, her task temporarily forgotten.
pls continue at Ikilios' Palace 5

back to the Colosseum, the Colosseum 2
back to the Pantheon, Pantheon 2
back to Latium, Latium 2
back to Rome

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2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: Lucifer glomps Tali......AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

2004-02-12 [Kit Azhure]: there u go girl *huggles makes you feel betta*

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: O.O *glomps lucifer back*

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: *gives his charming smile and hugs tali*...*yawn*

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: *giggles and huggs back*  *pokes Tazz* stop that :p

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: *falls over*...*rolls eyes*

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: you both stop that *sticks tongue out at both of them*

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: *takes a nap*....*snuggles into tali with a smile*

2004-02-12 [Kit Azhure]: *HUGGLES!!!Tali!!*

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: *snugglies lucifer* :D *HUGGLIES!!!! Kit*

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: lol..*snuggles boy from the school across the street!!*....haha tali

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: haha wut me?

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: witht he guys and the "give me your pants for warmth..."

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: *laughs* yea

2004-02-12 [Kit Azhure]: *guys* * looks around* where?

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: haha. *grabs Lucifers arm and gets infront of him* back off.. this ones mine! o.O!! :P

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: Lucifer grins widely.

2004-02-12 [FadeWind]: I hadn't planned on playing, just felt like making an appearance...peace...hi to Ji Hae...and Jenny too, hehe...

2004-02-12 [DeadHead]: *glomps lucifer!*

2004-02-12 [ShiftySkillet]: Laughs and turns around, glomping her right back.

2004-02-12 [Kit Azhure]: do i have an attiude prob?

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